The BOOT LAB 101 Boot Brush is here
Tue, Feb 02.21

Play. Clean. Repeat.
Boots can be expensive. With so much new technology and quality materials being used these days, it's only right to make sure you're taking care of your boots that you have paid hard earned money for. Check out our article on how to wash football boots for more information and tips.
Introducing BOOT LAB 101. BOOT LAB is a brand created by former A-League player, Billy Celeski, with the debut product being a portable football boot cleaning device.
The device is deliberately quick, convenient and easy to use with only 300ml of water required to fill it. The brush is lightweight and comfortable to use in either hand, meaning it's something all players should have in their boot bag to ensure their boots are looking fresh and clean every time you use them.
Don't let the mud dry on your boots post training. Get your BOOT LAB 101 boot brush out and give them a quick scrub. The process only takes a matter of seconds and trust us, your boots will thank you.
This product is an absolute must have for players who care about their boots and want to look good on pitch. If you're a parent who has paid for your young ones boots and want them to look after them, while at the same time teaching them good practice - look no further. Get your BOOT LAB 101 Boot Brush online or in store at Ultra HQ now.
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