Park SSC Release Carbon Negative Balls
Mon, Nov 08.21

While politicians continue to argue about the environment, Park Social Soccer club let their actions do the talking, releasing the worlds first ever Carbon Negative Balls.
Every PARK football now locks away 5kg of Carbon dioxide equivalent, offsetting more than the amount of carbon emitted during the manufacturing process.
Park are famous for their 1 for 1 initiative which sees the donate a ball to a child in need for every ball purchased through them. This time the ball donated to a kid in need will also have 5kg of carbon locked away with it too, meaning that’s 10kg of carbon that will never reach the atmosphere.
Park have partnered with C2Zero who allow environmentally conscious brands like Park to take away permits companies use which allows them to pollute. There is a limited amount of these permits which C2Zero get their hands on and out them into goods and services.
The new Park balls all have a piece of an emissions permit embedded in them that offsets more than the carbon emitted during the manufacturing process.
Park have created 3 balls, each one representing the environments that make up our planet, Ocean, Land and Air.
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